Our Background
As industry leaders since our founding in 2011, we’ve grown accustomed to working with companies of all sizes and providing products to wholesalers and dealers across the country. We enjoy putting our minds together to deliver quality goods that adhere to the highest standards. Our mission is to use locally sourced machines to give eco-friendly solutions to our customers.
Why Our Top Customers Choose Us
Our top consumer of our products is Sweet Stacks, a game for children. As our top consumer, Sweet Stacks has worked with us for a number of years, and we have provided them in the filling of nearly 54,000 units. With our easily serviced machines, we provide them with 2 filled bottle sizes, each used as the containers for the main component of their game. This versatility provides them quick and efficient filling 100% of the time. Our machines are also made and work in the US, cutting down on the cost of transportation, and the eco footprint the company has.
Our Team
Founder: Jonathan Wong

Marketing Team:
Parker Cobb
Anna Kartel
Engineering Team:
James Waters
Anthony Gora
Julia Grin
Anna Kartel
Conrad Otto